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4 Ways Locum Tenens Can Celebrate the Holidays Away from Home

Working away from home this holiday season? You’re certainly not alone. Many professionals in the healthcare or medical field experience having to work during the holidays, and sometimes, far away from home and family. For some Locum Tenens physicians, going home for the holidays simply isn’t a viable option and being away from family makes it more difficult to get into that holiday spirit.

While it’s certainly not an ideal situation, there are ways Locum Tenens can celebrate the holidays when on assignment far from home.

1. If you’re working, focus on celebrating with co-workers

There may be some relief in knowing that you won’t be alone in working on Christmas day or Christmas Eve. If you’re working at a hospital, you’ll have several coworkers finding themselves in the same situation as you. To liven up the workplace during the holiday, you can plan a gift exchange with coworkers such as Secret Santa or White Elephant on Christmas or just before Christmas to celebrate. You could alternatively plan a small gathering at your home with those you work with.

2. If you aren’t working, consider volunteering or attending a holiday celebration

If you’re not working on the holiday, but grabbing a flight back home still wasn’t a practical option for your schedule, you can make the holiday alone more meaningful by volunteering. Partake in a heartwarming experience or activity and volunteer for those who often have much less during the holiday season. You could help out a local food pantry or soup kitchen or opt to help deliver Christmas gifts to organizations that provide gifts for children in hospitals or families who can’t afford them. A volunteer activity can help you stay busy when facing the holidays alone and give you a heartwarming feeling knowing you’re giving back on a day that holds special for many.

3. Take part in new holiday activities

Get in the spirit by attending local activities during the holiday season. Your local community is sure to have some local holiday traditions, so jump in and join the fun. Whether it’s a concert, a religious service, or a stroll around the town square, even participating in smaller celebrations among a community can help boost your holiday spirit.

4. Plan Christmas with your family at a later date

Maybe your current assignment will conclude toward the end of the year or shortly after Christmas. Another option to celebrate your traditional Christmas holiday is to delay Christmas by a few weeks or a month and do the whole celebration when you come back home. Just tell your family to keep the tree and some of the decorations up and refrain from opening gifts until you get back!

Whether you’re working on Christmas or just having to spend the holidays away from home, Locum Tenens can take comfort in knowing there are plenty of others doing the same. By reaching out to others in the medical community, Locum Tenens can find support from others to comfort them during the holiday season. If you’re at a loss for resources or are new to the Locum Tenens community, Eskridge and Associates can provide you with several resources to get you through the holidays.

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