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Why You Should Consider Holiday Locum Tenens Assignments


In many careers, working outside the traditional 9-5 is not only an expectation, it’s also a way of life. For physicians and those working in the medical and healthcare industry, components of the career like shift work, long hours and being on-call are embedded in the responsibility of providing care. Working during the holiday season – and in the twilight hours of landmark holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s is a fact of life for many.

While you certainly don’t have to work during the holiday season, there are countless reasons why you should.

1. Earning extra income during the holidays

Many physicians choose to work Locum Tenens assignments for flexibility and opportunity, but many others accept Locum Tenens assignments in addition to their regular job. When there are plenty of opportunities to work a one-off shift here and there while regular hospital staff take time off during the holidays, Locum Tenens are gaining extra income. Additionally, adding additional income to your revenue stream before the year ends, you might be eligible to earn higher pay by working on holidays or simply during the holiday season depending on the schedule and the facility.2

2. Choosing from vast assignment opportunities

Choosing your own assignments is a remarkable benefit to Locum Tenens work, but considering holiday Locum Tenens assignments, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to consider. We’re all familiar with the busy, bustling atmosphere surrounding the holiday season in most industries and healthcare is no exception. Why do more opportunities seem to populate during the holidays? Many opportunities simply accommodate the gaps and fluctuations in staffing that occur most frequently during the holidays.

3. Providing critical care – for staff and patients

Working likely isn’t the first option most physicians would have in mind when they think about the holiday season. However, in many regular hospitals, filling those gaps in coverage can prevent many hospital staff from burnout and provide them with the ability to spend time with their family. Whether it’s filling in to help a busy staff or providing necessary care to rural areas, working holiday assignments can be fulfilling, rewarding and give back to a community that may desperately need it.

Using these opportunities to allow those who need to spend this time away from work is critical and additionally, meaningful for those volunteering their time to allow this to happen. Physicians accepting holiday locum tenens assignments are also providing critical care to patients during the holidays.

4. Taking a break from your routine

Accepting locum tenens assignments during the holidays doesn’t have to benefit only one party in the scenario. For many physicians, working these holiday assignments can provide a much-needed break from their regular routine – or simply a break from stressful holiday expectations. These assignments can provide physicians the opportunity to take time for themselves while also gaining unique experiences in their career.

Accepting holiday assignments are a great way to take a break from routine while also earning additional income and providing critical care where it’s needed most. If you are spending the holidays in a new assignment or away from home, check out our tips on how to make the most of it.

Ready to jump into a new locum tenens assignment? Take a look at available Locum Tenens opportunities on our jobs page or contact us if you have questions about getting started.

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