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Stress Relief Tips For Healthcare Providers


It’s no secret—burnout is a very real epidemic among healthcare professionals right now. Across the country, dedicated physicians, specialists, nurses, and other medical personnel are working long hours, struggling to achieve work-life balance, and dealing with high levels of stress. Even if you love your job, that intense stress compounded day after day can build up and cause burnout.

As a healthcare professional, it’s essential to take intentional steps to relieve that stress and combat burnout, so that you can continue to provide the best possible care for your patients and ensure a high quality of life for yourself.

Here are four ways that healthcare providers can relieve stress and avoid burnout:

Treat Yourself

If you’re stuck in a routine, especially one that involves long hours and little variation, something as small as a frozen yogurt or a Frappuccino at the end of the day can make a world of difference. Shake up your routine and reward yourself for your hard work by treating yourself to something nice once in a while, like signing up for a fun fitness class, going to an art show, or just walking in the park on your day off. Doing something different that you enjoy once in a while can go a long way towards lifting your mood and relieving your stress.

Get Active

We all know that getting active is a great stress-buster. But what if you don’t like to workout? Instead of thinking of working out in terms of calories burned or time spent, instead pick an activity you enjoy and do it as long as you feel like. If you get anxious just thinking about the gym, go for a walk outside instead. If you don’t enjoy cardio, don’t try to make yourself go for a run four times a week, try out the free weights instead. By finding an activity you like, you’ll be more likely to continue doing it consistently, and will get more out of it to begin with.

Practice Self-Care

Focusing on the mental, physical, and spiritual elements of your own well-being will help you master your stress levels and take on each day. A healthy morning and night routine will get your sleep schedule under control, a digital detox can help your mind relax, and a mindful practice like journaling can help you process events and focus on what’s important each day. Whatever self-care looks like for you, taking time to care for your own needs each day is essential for dealing with high-stress environments.

Try Locum Tenens

For many healthcare professionals, working Locum Tenens is the solution to their burnout issues. With a Locum Tenens position, you get to travel and explore, while continuing to do what you love: provide care to those who need it. You’ll be able to choose positions based on your needs and interests, as well as set your own schedule—and earn more than you would in a private practice. For many physicians, Locum Tenens has become the career of a lifetime. 

Are you ready to make the switch? Check out the available Locum Tenens opportunities on our jobs page or contact us today.

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